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Advent & Christmas Worship - 2021

All Saints is planning for the Advent & Christmas seasons in a way which will balance our desire for meaningful worship with the appropriate safety protocols to address and contain the spread of COVID. We continue to require the wearing of masks at all indoor worship services, regardless of vaccination status. We will provide worship aids which are not shared and may be taken with you. Holy Communion is offered in two kinds with the wine offered in individual cups.

During Advent, each Sunday will have two worship opportunities.

Sunday morning Holy Eucharist at 10 am

  • Sunday evening Sung Evensong at 6 pm

Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the First Sunday after Christmas offer three days in a row for worship. We will have the following services over this weekend:

  • December 24 - Christmas Eve Festal Rite II Eucharist at 5 pm (incense will be used at this service)

  • December 25 - Christmas Day Spoken Rite I Eucharist at 10 am (no incense at this service)

  • December 26 - Christmas 1 Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols with Communion at 10 am

We welcome you to join us for any or all of these opportunities to worship.

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